Disability and Special Needs Resources

With NC ABLE, disabled North Carolinians or their benefactors can set aside money for most living expenses without loss of eligibility for certain assistance programs, like SSI and Medicaid.

Disability Rights & Resources advocates for and serves as mentors for people with disabilities in a four-county service area comprised of CabarrusGaston, Mecklenburg, and Union Counties in North Carolina.

North Carolina Assistive Technology Program 

North Carolina Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults(CAP/DA)

Information on Section 8 Housing in NC

The North Carolina Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services provides counseling, training, education, transportation, job placement, assistive technology and other support services to people with disabilities.

Everybody Works NC

Signposts Ministries helps families that have children with disabilities or chronic health problems by connecting them with local resources, providing educational materials, and supporting them physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

North Carolina Systemic, Therapeutic, Assessment, Resources and Treatment (NC START)

Cheap Internet for those with Low Income

Free Cell Phone and Service for Those who Qualify

The North Carolina Weatherization Assistance Programis designed to help low-income citizens save energy and reduce expenses through the installation of energy conservation materials and the implementation of energy efficiency measures in their homes.

Two Hearts One Language  and Misty Meadows Mitey Riders provide equine-assisted therapy to special needs children

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